About Us
Stepping Stones Pre-school was first registered in 1972 and was located in the Meadway Sports Centre. Over the past 50 years we have grown and developed into a modern and successful early years setting. We are a non-profit making charity situated in our own specially equipped building which we rent from Reading Borough Council. We are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance and registered with Ofsted.
We have 2 large classrooms, a 3rd room which is aimed at, but not restricted to, the development of children with additional needs as well as a fully functioning sensory room. We are also fortunate to have our own garden and a fully enclosed outside area allowing us to operate a free flow session.
Our aim is to provide a secure, caring, stimulating environment where all children are given the opportunity to learn through play.
We will ensure that children and adults are treated as unique individuals, feeling valued and respected. Each child will be encouraged to progress as an individual, develop a sense of self-worth and grow in confidence. We will work within the Early Years Foundation Stage and will incorporate positive opportunities for all children reflecting diversity, culture, gender, and additional needs. We will offer each child and their family equal access to support, development and learning.
Our setting is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children. Families can be biological or non-biological, chosen, or circumstantial. Parents may be biological, adoptive, stepparents, lone parent or two parents of the same sex. Primary caregivers may be grandparents, other adult family members, and foster parents. We recognise diverse family structures and will help build a culture of inclusivity and equity.
Why not enrol today for just £10 then your child will receive a welcome bookbag and T-Shirt on their first day.
We are now working with the Forest Childcare Association
The Five Principles of Forest Childcare
- 1. The Forest Childcare Provider takes the children to an outdoor environment normally once a week.
- 2. Forest Childcare outings are made as safe as is reasonably possible by the childcare provider while encouraging children to learn to take their own risks.
- 3. Forest Childcare outings are taken all year long, so children go outside whatever the weather.
- 4. The Forest Childcare Provider offers a mixture of planned and child-led play activities to the children.
- 5. The Forest Childcare Provider is first aid certified.